Poem Written For Don Carlos Smith

Eliza R. Smith

Poem Written For Don Carlos Smith

THE FUNERAL OF LIEUTENANT GENERAL SMITH By Miss Eliza R. Snow. It was a Sabbath day.—The morning came, But came not with the usual joyousness With which the consecrated day was wont, In Nauvoo City, ever and anon, To usher its broad radiance on a train Of humble, cheerful worshipers. Nature Seem’d conscious of the […]

Sealed to Joseph


Sealed to Joseph

In records of early endowments in Nauvoo there is documentation that Emma received sacred ordinances from Joseph, and she administered them under Joseph’s direction to many other women. 12 One of Emma’s duties as the Prophet’s wife was to supervise the women’s part of the ordinances. Joseph and Emma were sealed for time and all […]

Smith Descendants Gather for Reunion 2013

Elder Ballard Speaking to Descendants

Smith Descendants Gather for Reunion 2013

SALT LAKE CITY — Descendants of Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith met in greater force than ever before to both renew family ties and remember history at a reunion over the weekend. Roughly 1,100 Smith descendants from Hyrum, Joseph Jr. and Samuel Smith’s lines came to This Is The Place Heritage Park for the […]

Tribute to Asael Smith

Asael Smith Memoriam

Tribute to Asael Smith

On 28 July 2012, members of the Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family Association, along with local members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints met at the Union Cemetery in Stockholm, NY to pay tribute to and refurbish the headstone of Asael Smith who was the grandfather of the LDS […]