Thousands of Hands

Joseph Smith descendants gather under tent

Thousands of Hands

Darcy Kennedy Towards the end of 2004 our stake president, Conrad Gottfredson, came to our home to visit.  My husband, Michael Kennedy, Sr., and I [Darcy] knew our stake president was a very inspired man and heard how he would call someone or visit with them in their home, day or night following promptings that […]

Joseph and Emma Share a Common Heritage


Joseph and Emma Share a Common Heritage

All of Their Descendants Share the Same Heritage Emma and Joseph shared a common Heritage, being descended from no less than seven passengers on the historic ship, Mayflower. These Mayflower passengers are: John Tilley, Joan Hurst Tilley, Elizabeth Tilley, John Howland, Edward Fuller, Mrs. John Fuller, Samuel Fuller.  “In sundrie of thee stormes the winds were […]

For I had seen a vision: 200 years later

Joseph's Firs Vision

For I had seen a vision: 200 years later

The Spring of 2020 marks the 200th anniversary since Joseph Smith first prayed to God to know which church to join and received the First Vision. Carole Mikita takes a look at what this momentous revelation means in today’s world. Historians, church leaders and various artists reflect on how this event has shaped the course […]

Little Known Facts About Emma

Emma in her riding habit

Little Known Facts About Emma

There are some surprising information most did not know about Emma, Joseph Smith’s wife: Midwife – Nauvoo had a doctor, however, when it came to pediatric care the doctor requested all his patients to go to Emma Bidamon as she “knows more about babies than I do”.  Greatly Loved – During the viewing of Emma’s death, […]

Emma Tribute

Emma Hale Smith, An Elect Lady

Emma Tribute

It has been said Joseph Smith “has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it.”  It has also been said behind every great man is a great woman.  Joseph Smith chose who his companion would be, his own words she was […]