"After the many testimonies which have been given of him (Jesus Christ), this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!"
The Life of Joseph Smith Jr, his wife Emma Hale Smith, & their children. This site organized by the family of Joseph Smith, Jr. , a not-for-profit historical society
The Sweetest Sermon I've Ever Heard in My Life

I have labored hard & sought evry way to try to prepare this people to comprehend the things that God is unfolding to me In speaking of the resurrection I would say that God hath shown unto me a vission of the resurrection of the dead & I saw the graves open & the saints as they arose took each other by the hand even before they got up or while getting up & great Joy & glory rested upon them. (Wilford Woodruff, Diary, 16 April 1843, reproduced as in the original).
The day will come when the seed of Joseph Smith will roar as the Lion that Jesus is the Christ - Gracia Jones

Joseph Smith did not live long enough to see his children grow up nor give his sons the priesthood he restored. Gracia Jones is the 2nd great granddaughter of the Prophet through Coral Rebecca Smith, Alexander Hales Smith's 9th child. Watch the video of her testimony under this link.
Who Are We - The Joseph Smith Jr & Emma Hale Smith Historical Society

The Joseph Smith Jr. and Emma Hale Smith Historical Society (JSEHS) is a non-profit organization operated by descendants of Joseph Smith and Emma that promotes knowledge and understanding of the life and times, teachings, and heritage of Joseph Smith, Jr. and Emma Hale Smith. People throughout the years have been inspired by the lives and legacy of these great individuals.
Eternally Bound
Art work on Sale

Emma's Glory and Sacrifice, Emma finally has all of her children. Joseph Smith III crosses the veil.