Thousands of Hands

Joseph Smith descendants gather under tent

Thousands of Hands

Darcy Kennedy Towards the end of 2004 our stake president, Conrad Gottfredson, came to our home to visit.  My husband, Michael Kennedy, Sr., and I [Darcy] knew our stake president was a very inspired man and heard how he would call someone or visit with them in their home, day or night following promptings that […]

Dan Jones – Emma’s Convert


Dan Jones – Emma’s Convert

Did you know Emma had one covert, due to her influence eventually led to the conversion of thousands? Dan and Jane Jones immigrated to the United States, and by 1841 they were residents of St. Louis, Missouri. On May 10 of that year, Dan Jones, as an American citizen, applied for a license to ply […]

Bridging a Rift of False Tradition: The Healing Letter Between Joseph’s and Brigham’s Descendants

Brigham Young

Bridging a Rift of False Tradition: The Healing Letter Between Joseph’s and Brigham’s Descendants

Written by Mary Ellen Elggren “What of Joseph Smith’s family? What of his boys? I have prayed from the beginning for Sister Emma…They are in the hands of God, and when they make their appearance before this people, full of his power, there are none but what will say – ‘Amen! We are ready to […]