Search Results for: Joseph Smith Jr. Family History

Joseph and Emma Share a Common Heritage


Joseph and Emma Share a Common Heritage

All of Their Descendants Share the Same Heritage Emma and Joseph shared a common Heritage, being descended from no less than seven passengers on the historic ship, Mayflower. These Mayflower passengers are: John Tilley, Joan Hurst Tilley, Elizabeth Tilley, John Howland, Edward Fuller, Mrs. John Fuller, Samuel Fuller.  “In sundrie of thee stormes the winds were […]

An Hour in the Grove

Sacred Grove

An Hour in the Grove

     An Introduction to assist readers of this article, “An Hour in the Grove,” better understand the historical context which makes this article significant to us in our day. by Gracia N. Jones, Historian for JSEHS Historical Society— When I found a printed copy of this article in my files, it struck me that […]

Joseph Smith’s Presidential Campaign

Joseph Smith America

Joseph Smith’s Presidential Campaign

It began in 1839. The Prophet Joseph Smith, finally free after more than four months of imprisonment in Liberty, Missouri, had settled in Illinois, and the Saints had begun building what would become the city of Nauvoo. With the Missouri persecutions fresh in their minds, the Saints sought redress for the grievances they had suffered, but […]

Testament of the Twelve Apostles Being Assigned the Authority to Lead the Church of Jesus Christ

Joseph Smith Teaches

Testament of the Twelve Apostles Being Assigned the Authority to Lead the Church of Jesus Christ

Below was written in the hand of Orson Hyde, March 1844: We, the undersigned, do hereby solemnly, sincerely, and truly testify before God, Angels, and men, unto all people unto whom this certificate may come, that we were present at a Council in the latter part of the Month of March last, held in the […]

After five years a new Emma Smith movie went to the theaters and now on DVD and streaming


After five years a new Emma Smith movie went to the theaters and now on DVD and streaming

SALT LAKE CITY — Shona Kay Moyer was “terrified” to portray Emma Smith in the upcoming film “In Emma’s Footsteps.” After the 1844 martyrdom of Joseph Smith, founder of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members of the church followed his successor, Brigham Young, out west. Joseph’s wife, Emma Smith, chose to stay […]

Funeral Sermon of Joseph and Hyrum Smith

Joseph, Emma and Hyrum Grave Marker

Funeral Sermon of Joseph and Hyrum Smith

Sermon read by W.W. Phelps before the Deseret Theological Institute on Wednesday evening Jun 13th 1855, and being as near as could be remembered by him, a copy of the one delivered by him at the Funeral of Joseph Smith  As the hearse bearing the “bodies” of Joseph and Hyrum Smith (actually sandbagged coffins) passed […]

Funeral Sermon of Joseph Smith Sr.

Joseph Smith Sr

Funeral Sermon of Joseph Smith Sr.

An address delivered at the funeral of Joseph Smith Sen. Late Patriarch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, by R. B. Thompson, September 15, 1840. The occasion which has brought us together this day, is one of no ordinary importance, for not only has a single family to mourn and sorrow on […]

Smith Family: A Family of Integrity


Smith Family: A Family of Integrity

(b. Jan. 26, 1714; d. Nov. 14, 1785), the grandfather of Joseph Smith Sr., was remembered as a man of integrity. His obituary read: “DIED–At Topsfield [Mass.] on Monday the 14th instant, Samuel Smith, Esq., aged 72. So amiable and worthy a character as he evidently appeared, both in publick and private, will render the […]