Alexander Hale Smith


Alexander Hale Smith

  Written by Gracia Jones Originally Published: 10 December 2009 Alexander Hale Smith was born 2 June 1838, at Far West, Caldwell, Missouri, about six weeks after his parents made the January to March trek from Kirtland, Ohio, to the new county set up for the Mormons through the influence of Joseph’s friend, Alexander Doniphan. A […]

Joseph Smith Document on Virtue

Joseph Smith greeting militiament

Joseph Smith Document on Virtue

According to the statement of provenance accompanying this document, among those visited by Joseph Smith in Philadelphia during his trip to the nation’s capitol in the winter of 1839-40, was a Wilkinson family who at the time were not members of the Church but later joined. Nothing is known of this visit except that the […]

Humorous Notes of Joseph Smith

The Seer Painting by Julie Roers

Humorous Notes of Joseph Smith

Below are a few short notes of humorous incidents in the Life of Joseph Smith: ♦ I was chopping wood [when Joseph Smith rode up on his horse] said he, “good afternoon.”  He had a smile on his face and I felt that he was going to say something else.  “You are not the young man […]